Sunday, November 29, 2009

From the Simple Dollar guy

Wherever you see clutter, you see money lost, because clutter is the result of having more items than you can practically manage or use.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday Mission

I finally did the holiday mission to gather up wrapping paper, tape etc. so it is in one place. I also de-cluttered Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations. Did some laundry and finished hanging curtains in the living room.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

So did anyone go out today? I stayed home and tried to sleep. I was up at 2:30 and 4:00 and 5:00. I wonder if that was a sign that I was to go out. But I just stayed in my nice warm bed.

Hopefully I can find some better deal later to finish up my shopping.


Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!  Still cleaning up a little here, no my sink wasn't shiny last night but I am still proud of how much was clean before I went to bed.  I was reading over the blog and am happy to see how much it is being used.  Remember to pick one habit and focus on it for 30 days!  I am still working just on my sink and one load of laundry a day.  Gotta go!  Don't forget to buy your flowers if you haven't already!  I still haven't gotten mine, because Russ gave me a dozen roses from the lions.  I am going to get some next week.  Happy Flying!

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's Monday

Wow It's Monday and I am a year older. Does that mean I get a year slower?!
I purchase a $1 wicker oval basket to put on Greg counter so he would put his things in since he can't open the drawn. I harp all evening Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. Sunday morn when he got up in the middle of the night he was mumbling about the basket. Every time I went in I pick it up and put it back in the basket I ask him how hard it was for him to do that.He said he uses it 8 times a day so leave it out Last night when I went to bed I put in away again. When I got up this morn it was still there I clapped my hands and he said I only did it because I knew it make you mad. I only had to put it away once so far today. He put all the dishes in the dish washer before I got up. Got home from church at 9:30 and was to tired to do his dishes and shine my sink. He put the dishes in the sink. I strip the bed and done 2 loads of laundry and all put away. Tomorrow wash is ready to be wash. The floors are swept and paper burnt & counters and table are half pick up with hopes to finish them once I get off. I made a pot of coffee with out putting in the grounds in (is that a sign I getting older?) so I drinking Cinnamon Apple Spice Tea instead. Well I better be getting off to bust so clutter and enjoy my pot of tea!!

Happy Blogging every one!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Donkey and Flowers

I did not get my flowers yet. But I do still have some yellow ones outside. I thought about picking them but did not want to hurt them.

I rode a donkey tonight it was fun. BR had Donkey Basketball. I got on my donkey started down the court and stole the ball from the other team and traveled down court some more. Throw the ball and missed. It took me about 5 trys and I finially got it in. Ya for me.

It was so fun and funny watch other not be able to get on their donkeys

Cookies for Exchange

I am going to make Pumpkin Cookies and Spritz.


Tried the asking why thing we talked about at the last meeting. I didn't want to get up in the morning even though I had plenty of sleep so I asked myself why? And the first thing that popped into my head was..."Because you can't do anything wrong when you are in bed asleep"
AHA! Perfectionism again!


I very proud that I purchase flowers for myself today. I have no energy from working yesterday. I had to pick Greg pills up because they were closed by the time I got out of the funeral home last night. The flowers were a pick me up. I posted a picture of mine flowers but don't know how.

Blog assignment

I checked it. No I am goign to get ready to do some more running around today and get stuff for Girl Scouts,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Up and Going

Got up at 7:15 p.m. made the bed, started a pot of coffee, took a shower, swish and swipe, wipe counter off, & swept Greg bathroom. Comb hair, got dress, put on my shoes and down to the laundry. Put roast in crock pot. Back to Greg bathroom and condense the same kind of cleaner together. Got rid of 7 bottles!! Clean under Greg sink took things to basement and down stair bathroom that did not belong up. Down to basement to change laundry around, spray rust out in the utility sink, transfer clothes to dryer, back to sink and WOW! it work, I spray some more Rust Out and scrub the utility sink out. Should of taken a picture but Jenny can tell you it was really orange now it white again! Filled the TP holders in all bathrooms. Remember my pills today and ate breakfast and taking my break. Laundry is till drying. Well going to check e-mails and clean the shower out down stairs now you can use it again.
Up stairs to the orange room I go.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

last one for today

This is it for today.  It's hard to tell what all was done but it looks better!  The last push was actually about 45 minutes.  More on Thursday!


Today I doing house blessing since I did not get it done yesterday. I price check shop for things for Sunday School Christmas Dinner and went and got my Swine flu shot.
My first load of laundry is done and on wrinkle control so I better go get it out and put away. I even deodorize the down stairs carpet today. I plan on trying to finish the orange room maybe 15 miinutes at a time.

second 15 minutes

The images are taking a while to upload,I think I will post every other 15 minutes!

first 15

When I started

Here is the room before I started

The Craft Room

Today I tackle the craft room 15 Minutes at a time!  I am going to see if I can post pictures as I go so you can see the difference!

Monday, November 16, 2009


I'm blogging!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars from meeting

Mine didn't look like the picture and I left out the nuts that they sprinkled on top and I didn't use as much pumpkin pie spice either.

  • 1 package pound cake mix (16 ounces)
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons margarine or butter (melted)
  • 4 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 8-ounce package cream cheese (softened)
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 ounces), (NOT EVAPORATED)
  • 1 can pumpkin, (16 ounce) (2 cups)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup chopped nuts (pecans preferred)

Pre-heat oven to 350°F.

In large mixer bowl, on low speed, combine cake mix, 1 egg, margarine/butter and 2 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice until crumbly.

Press onto bottom of 15 x 10 inch jelly roll pan or a Rachael Ray Bubble and Brown pan.

In large mixer bowl, beat cheese until fluffy. Gradually beat in sweetened milk; then remaining 2 eggs, pumpkin, remaining 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice and salt; mix well.

Pour over crust; sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake 30-35 minutes or until set.

Cool. Chill; cut into bars. Store in refrigerator.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Quote for today!

In order to change a circumstance you have to change the behavior that created the circumstance.  from Flylady's book "Get out of Debt"

Good Morning

Sorry I haven't been posting the Cruising Missions!  I have been having computer problems and just hate dealing with it.  Don't forget your challenge for the week:  Buy yourself flowers!!!  We will have a new challenge this week.  Our next meeting is Sunday at 6:30pm.  See you then!

Holiday Cruising Mission for Friday

HOLIDAY CRUISING MISSION #20 Friday Budget Don't Begrudge it!

Today is desk day, for today you are to check your holiday planner to review your gift list. You need to check over it to make sure that you haven't forgotten anyone and to check your budget.

Look over these and take a moment to be proud of yourself for FLYing through the holidays one babystep at a time!!! We are so proud of all of you!

Have fun and remember we are FLYing! Download your Holiday Control Journal.

To watch a video of this Holiday Mission go to:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Ok I work on my cash flow for the year today. I am tried of collecting my receipts. I seem to work on it every couple months. But just realize tonight that I had not put the info on my nice spreadsheet that I do. So I spent all day adding up my months and entering them tonight. I got half the year done completly. Have to go through my check book and credit card to get the stuff I did not have receipt for. I am starting to wonder why I do this.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Window Mission

Ladies I got up today knowing I wanted to do my windows. I am taking a break from washing than. I have all them done in the part that we live in. The upstairs need to be done. Plus the outside of my bedroom down stair which I going to need some help from Jenny. I spent more time getting the two bay windows open that I broke one trying to pull it and Greg told me I could not do any more that I tire and just plain weak. I did a couple window with paper towel and the thought I going to get my micro rag. They were the best thing I have ever used. You probably could of only use water and they be clean. I could not get the dog nose off the sliding glass door using paper towels twice so I thought I wonder what the micro towels would do. I did not even use any elbow grease to do them. I feel really great that I got one of my goals that I want to get done. Last week I most of make to big of goal to get done.
Well going to go unload the dish washer and see how much time it takes to uncluttered my counter and I think I get Kelly Mission for today done also.

Have a wonderful days ladies!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I took 14 bags and they we not Wal-mart bag, and 2 printer to goodwill. I could not even see out my back window of the van. I got half my bed room done and did not get the orange room finish but I got most of my outside work finish for the fall. I would like to wash windows if in going to be nice Monday will gave to look at the 5 day forecast.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Holiday Mission for Friday, Nov 6

Holiday Cruising Mission #15 Budget Don't Begrudge it!

Today is desk day and your mission for today is to review your budget for the holidays and look to see how and when you can take care of the shopping that you will need to do. Not just presents, you need to take into account meals, postage, cards, wrapping supplies, decorations etc.

Be careful and thoughtful, you do not want to rack up huge credit card bills that you will be paying until spring for the holidays. Try to fit your budget around what you can afford to pay for. If this means a little less than what you would like, try to remember how great it will feel not to be overwhelmed in January when the mail comes. Set limits and try to work within them. Don't look to buy presents that will impress, look to give gifts that will be loved. Be creative. Talk to your friends and family and see if they would like a challenge for this year. Talk about theme gifts such as an ornament or t-shirt exchange with a price limit. Look for fun and creative ways to express your love without busting your budget.

Don't look at budget planning as a chore and as something that is depressing. Look at it as a challenge that you know you can handle! Take pride in the fact that you are planning this year in a way that you never have! You are FLYing!

Have fun and remember we are FLYing!
To watch a video of this Holiday Mission go to:

Monday, November 2, 2009


I got up this morn and started my daily load of laundry. Took shower and got dress. I decided to Lysol things down today so in hope we will not get sick.
Started a pot of coffee which took 2 hours to make. Could help if I plugged it in!
I am taking a little break from everything to see what the mission is for today.
I am trying to do house blessing also but not sure how it going to be done with all the interruption I been having. My goal this week is to get the orange room finish, but I also would like to uncluttered my bedroom. Going to go to Porch Ladies tonight.
I gather the paper up so Greg could take the bag out and it's still sitting. I don't understand why he think I need to do things right when he wants things done and he does not follow Thur with his end. I folded up his clothes I wash last Thursday that were sitting in a basket for him to fold. They were all his. He think he can just live out of the basket any suggestion on how to handle him. He seem to have gotten worst since I have had cancer. My mom think he doing it for attention and know it will upset me. He wanted the living room change around and all he wanted the coach move for so he could pile it with his cloths. Any suggestion ladies?
Well better get back to flying. Had 3 bags of paper clutter this morn so far.

November's Habit

In case you missed it this months habit is menu planning.  In trying to save money I tried something new this week.  Last night I sat down with my calendar and planned the entire months menu!  I'll let you know how it worked out for our budget at the end of the month.  I usually do a week at a time, so start there.  Take an honest look at your schedule for the week and plan accordingly.  Don't try to fix a huge, time consuming meal on a night that you have a meeting or are going to be working late - those are crock-pot or soup and sandwich nights.  Also, does anyone have good recipes for meals that can be made a head a frozen?  If so, go ahead and post them here!

Cruising Mission

Holiday Cruising Mission #11 Clean and Fling

Your Holiday Mission for today is to Clean and Fling!!! Monday's are Weekly Home Blessing Hour days at FlyLady and your mission is to do a 27 fling boogie as you bless your house. We are cruising through the Holidays together and every time you can get rid of some clutter is going to help you FLY! Grab one of those plastic bags that you get at the grocery store and loop it along your wrist or loop it through your belt loop on your pants, as you are going through the house just toss in the bag whatever needs to be tossed. This can be junk mail, odds and ends that have been laying around and whatever you see that is just plain clutter and needs to be gotten rid of. Do not spend hours doing this, just have the bag handy while you are blessing your home!!

Have Fun!

Have fun and remember we are FLYing!
To watch a video of this Holiday Mission go to: