Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rain, rain, go away

I like to fling when the sun is shining!
p.s. I can't do anything with the polls either.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cruising Mission #9

Holiday Cruising Mission # 9

Today is Errand Day. Your Mission for today is to review your Holiday planner and see what items on your list can be taken care of while doing your errands.

If you are headed to the grocery store, can you pick up a few items for the Holidays that you will need? Baking supplies are so expensive when they are all bought at one time. If you start adding
a bag of flour, nuts, spices etc to each shopping trip, you will hardly feel the purchases rather than waiting for one big trip. This applies to other things as well. If there are decorations that you
would like to have, you can add one or two things to your trips to the store. Again, saves time and money from those major shopping sprees.

If you are heading to the Dry Cleaners, does your nice coat, good dress, suit etc. need to be cleaned and pressed? How about the Home Improvement store? Do you need light bulbs, new decorative light clips, etc. Try to slowly add a few things on to your errand day each week and you really will not notice the small bits of extra time versus the monster rush to get it all finished three days before your

Have fun and remember we are FLYing! Download your Holiday Control Journal.

To watch a video of this Holiday Mission go to:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I went to moms today and we fling and reorganized. I think we filled another gater load of empty boxes and got 2-3 to go to Goodwill. I got stuck taking stuff to my house. No I know why I don't like cleaning over there. I end up bring it bad to my house. Got to do re scrapbooking. Mom needs to put pictures out of no no albums. Hopefully I can get over another day to help fling stuff. If my kids take stuff to Goodwill on Sat. they will get a patch for doing a good turn.

Got to enter popcorn sales by the weekend and I get girl scout stuff on Tues.

How does the poll work? Every time I'm on it is closed. I did not shine. I lucky if I can keep my floor pick up from night to night. Got weeks worth on cloths on the couch. My try to put some away tonight.


Shiny Sink

My goal for this week was to get back to basics - shine my sink, swish and swipe and a load a day.  My sink has been shined each night, I have been hit and miss on my swishin and swipin, and I know I have been doing laundry, but it is hard to tell where a load ends and one begins because I was so far behind.  All in all so far this week I am proud of myself.  I haven't gotten sidetracked by all my other want to do's.  I really want my basic habits in place for good this time.  Hoping this summer was the last time  I fall off the FlyLady bandwagon!

Holiday Mission #8

Holiday Cruising Mission # 8

We are throwing up those sails for our Holiday Cruise! Today is Anti-Procrastination Day!

Your mission for today is to do a "What size are we?" mission! This means that you write down the sizes for your family, height, sizes for shirts, pants, pajamas, dresses, shoes etc. Place this list in
your holiday planner and have them ready for when a dear friend or family member wants to bless someone in your family for the holidays. When they ask you "what size is little Timmy?" you won't have to do the zany brainy shuffle and try to remember what size you bought in September for school and then try to add to it since that was two months ago! Trust me, I know this trick! Make sure you do this for yourself and your spouse as well. No more racking your brain trying to remember, you have your trusty holiday planner and can refer to it whenever you need to.

Have fun with this! This one mission will save you from having to explain why little Timmy has never worn that great shirt that is two sizes too small from Aunt Sally or save you time in the returns line!

Have fun and remember we are FLYing! Download your Holiday Control Journal.

To watch a video of this Holiday Mission go to:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fling Fling Fling

Instead of crawling in the orange room I can't move any more. I flinged! I even going probably have a load for Goodwill or the pump house.
Any one need a canon printer? I think probably not I had it for window's 95 and 98. I upgraded to an all in one and was going to use it if I ever got another computer for up stair. But when Jenny left was not need for another. Do any of you Candlewick? I found a pillow that's Christmas Wreath on it. Going to Goodwill or PumpHouse if you don't want.
I have of list of thing when it all said and done. Not sure if Jenny going to keep her exercise thing if not it going. Found all Jenny pictures I took when she was little just might have to scrapbook them. I have a grater full of stuff Greg took out as I tossed now the stairs. Remember when there was Tri-Chem? I found a box of thing that maybe can be embroider. Have lots of Crossstitch started and not finish how funny is that. Well done for today. Always on the go might come tomorrow and help. Going to Bible Study

Going to try to Fly today

Yesterday I did not get much done on flying. I did 2 loads of wash, strip my bed, got Greg bath swish & swipe and show him how to try to keep his counter clean and sweep the bath room floor all before I showered and got dress. He inform me that he uses his tester 6 - 10 time a day and see no reason to put it away each time. He might get some strength in his fingers if he open and shut the drawn 6-10 times!LOL!! Went to Wooster and got home change clothes and went out side a did the leaves. I can't believe I was out there over 5 hours and got nothing done in my house.
So this morn I got up, got dress swish and swipe Greg bathroom,wash a load of handwash clothing, took out the stuff I took out of the fridge on Sunday to toss over the fence, which I ask Greg to do it and his answer was when I get out on my chair the next time I do it. I ask his this morn if he ever got out of his chair because it still on the counter and his remarks was I get it when I get out of my chair the next time just remind me. I grad the garage and out the door I went I was out side for over an hour and he came out wondering why it took me so long to take the stuff out. Well I feed the birds and was singing Oh how I Love Jesus , Amazing Grace and other Praise to God. I hope my day go good because I have to crawl in the orange room today to find some clothing my grandmother made me when Ashland celebrated the sesquicentennial for Taylor to wear or take to school. Jenny use it when she was in school. Maybe "always on the go" might have to help with the project. If I only could put a dumpster out by the side of the house I open up the window and fling fling fling.

Have a nice day Lady. I better go start flinging!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cruisin Mission for Monday, Oct 26

Holiday Cruising Mission #6

As we are sailing on our cruise to FLY through the holidays!

Your Zone Mission for today is to clear off the hotspots in your Living Room to prepare for your holiday decorations.

Your Holiday Mission for today is to jot down in your Holiday Planner that you were to put together (Holiday Mission #2) what decorations you want to use and what rooms you want to put them in. That is it. You are not to drag out the decorations just yet. We will get there! For now just make a plan of what you want to use and what room you want to use them in. This is to plan what you want to use that you already own. If you have candle lights that you put into the windows, centerpieces, advent calendars etc. Just jot them down in your notebook.

Have fun and remember we are FLYing! Download your Holiday Control Journal.

To watch a video of this Holiday Mission go to:

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hello I think I did it. I am log in. But I have no time I have to go. That is why I have decided to call myself alwaysonthego.

No time to fling.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday's Holiday Cruising Mission


Your Holiday mission for today is to take time out to establish a budget for the Holidays.

Look over your gift lists and menus and try to work on a budget for these things. When you establish a budget and try very hard to work within that budget you will find that you do not go overboard on your spending because you have taken the time out to plan and think things through instead of shopping impulsively.

Try to establish when you can start your shopping and to break it down into small manageable tasks. You need to figure out how much money you can afford for: gifts, mailing, wrapping supplies, travel expenses, meals, baking etc.

You can put these numbers into your Holiday planner that you were to create in Mission #2 (remember all the missions are available on This way you have your lists and budget all in one place.

Taking things that are overwhelming and breaking them down into babysteps help us keep the CHAOS away!!

Have fun and remember we are FLYing! Download your Holiday Control Journal.

To watch a video of this Holiday Mission go to:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday's Holiday Cruising Mission


Today is Errand day and your mission for today is to pick up any detail items that you can. Postage stamps, scotch tape, packing tape, markers etc.

Try to get these things together and put them with the supplies that you gathered up yesterday (the holiday cards and wrapping paper). Having these things early and ready will prevent those late night dashes to the store that end up costing you far more than just tape.

Remember not to obsess over these things, we are going to cruise through the Holidays one babystep at a time!

Have fun and remember we are FLYing! Download your Holiday Control Journal.

To watch a video of this Holiday Mission go to:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


If you have friends who you think would like to join this blog but can't regularly attend our meetings please pass on their email to me and I will send them an invite.

My updates

I did my Holiday Mission!  I have a serious issue with gift wrap and bows!  I love to collect the supplies and I have an entire dresser full.  So I just got some under the bed storage containers and decided I would only do one.  I did the bows.  I flung some smooshed ones and gave away two un-open bags!  Hope that others of you have a chance tonight to at least spend a few minutes thinking about where theses supplies are and where you are going to keep them for the holiday season.  Happy Flying!

27 Fling

Since I posted the last posted I went and change the laundry around and did a 15 clutter of my bath room closet. I got 2 shelves done and got rid of 27 things and I have plenty of room for stuff. I get the other two later because I need to get dress and put my shoe on an get serious!!
I just hope I don't over do it


This should be fun Cruising thur the Holiday's! Can't wait to meet with you ladies again.
Might bring my Mother she question me about this Fly Lady thing. I bring some snack's!

Holiday Cruising Mission for Wednesday

Today we are going to start a box for collecting all of our wrapping supplies, Christmas cards and gifts we already purchased.  Pick a spot in your house where you can start to pull these things together.  We don't have to do it all today, this mission will come around again.  We always think we know where we put the items we got on clearance last year or the gift we purchased in February, but let's cut back on our stress and find those items now.  Happy Flying!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meeting notice

We will be meeting this Sunday, October 25th at 6:30pm at my house. Please let me know if you are interested in bringing any part of the refreshments. We will be working on our Holiday Control Journals, starting over with Baby Step 1 (at least that's where I need to start!) and discussing future meeting dates. Please bring your calendars. This blog is meant to keep us connected between meetings, please log on often! Happy Flying!

Cruising through the Holidays

Doesn't that sound nice, to cruise through the holidays? Don't we all start out thinking we will do all this baking, have or attend social events, spend extra time with family, and still have the "perfect" gift for everyone? We can't have a "perfect" holiday season but we can have a more organized and relaxed one. FlyLady's Holiday missions will make a more peaceful season for you. These missions repeat over the next few months, so don't stress if you miss one!

Yesterdays FlyLady Holiday mission was a 27 fling boogie. Please post how much you "Flung"!

Also, todays mission is to find a place for your Holiday Control Journal. You can use a lined notebook of any sort or add a divided section to your current Control Journal. I will have copies of the FlyLady Holiday Control Journal at our meeting for you to use in a 3-ring binder.

Let's "Cruise Through The Holidays" together!!!!