Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Going to try to Fly today

Yesterday I did not get much done on flying. I did 2 loads of wash, strip my bed, got Greg bath swish & swipe and show him how to try to keep his counter clean and sweep the bath room floor all before I showered and got dress. He inform me that he uses his tester 6 - 10 time a day and see no reason to put it away each time. He might get some strength in his fingers if he open and shut the drawn 6-10 times!LOL!! Went to Wooster and got home change clothes and went out side a did the leaves. I can't believe I was out there over 5 hours and got nothing done in my house.
So this morn I got up, got dress swish and swipe Greg bathroom,wash a load of handwash clothing, took out the stuff I took out of the fridge on Sunday to toss over the fence, which I ask Greg to do it and his answer was when I get out on my chair the next time I do it. I ask his this morn if he ever got out of his chair because it still on the counter and his remarks was I get it when I get out of my chair the next time just remind me. I grad the garage and out the door I went I was out side for over an hour and he came out wondering why it took me so long to take the stuff out. Well I feed the birds and was singing Oh how I Love Jesus , Amazing Grace and other Praise to God. I hope my day go good because I have to crawl in the orange room today to find some clothing my grandmother made me when Ashland celebrated the sesquicentennial for Taylor to wear or take to school. Jenny use it when she was in school. Maybe "always on the go" might have to help with the project. If I only could put a dumpster out by the side of the house I open up the window and fling fling fling.

Have a nice day Lady. I better go start flinging!!

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