Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shiny Sink

My goal for this week was to get back to basics - shine my sink, swish and swipe and a load a day.  My sink has been shined each night, I have been hit and miss on my swishin and swipin, and I know I have been doing laundry, but it is hard to tell where a load ends and one begins because I was so far behind.  All in all so far this week I am proud of myself.  I haven't gotten sidetracked by all my other want to do's.  I really want my basic habits in place for good this time.  Hoping this summer was the last time  I fall off the FlyLady bandwagon!

1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO Clutter Princess !!!

    Been in the orange room again with Help from Jenny. It's almost done. Better organized now I know what all I have. My sink was shine I did the swish & swipe and a load of laundry and the one for tomorrow in the washer to wash tomorrow.
    I decided to go back to the load a day even if they are small. I be glad when I done in the orange room so I can clean my hot spot in the kitchen.
    Just got to decide where to put the pile of stuff for Goodwill. The Taylor and Skylar will be using it for something for Scouting.
    Not done the Holiday thing this week but We line up some more Christmas wrapping and got it all together now.
