Monday, November 2, 2009


I got up this morn and started my daily load of laundry. Took shower and got dress. I decided to Lysol things down today so in hope we will not get sick.
Started a pot of coffee which took 2 hours to make. Could help if I plugged it in!
I am taking a little break from everything to see what the mission is for today.
I am trying to do house blessing also but not sure how it going to be done with all the interruption I been having. My goal this week is to get the orange room finish, but I also would like to uncluttered my bedroom. Going to go to Porch Ladies tonight.
I gather the paper up so Greg could take the bag out and it's still sitting. I don't understand why he think I need to do things right when he wants things done and he does not follow Thur with his end. I folded up his clothes I wash last Thursday that were sitting in a basket for him to fold. They were all his. He think he can just live out of the basket any suggestion on how to handle him. He seem to have gotten worst since I have had cancer. My mom think he doing it for attention and know it will upset me. He wanted the living room change around and all he wanted the coach move for so he could pile it with his cloths. Any suggestion ladies?
Well better get back to flying. Had 3 bags of paper clutter this morn so far.

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